Stepping out of and into it All.

What would be possible if we got really good at detecting the split off universes in our bodies, the unhelpful stories, and the made-up structures of life with crystal clarity and became a bigger space?  What would we stop struggling with?  How easily might step right out of our limitations?  What kind of magic might be unleashed if we could step out of all small spaces and reclaim our oneness?  If we came in contact with the ground, became the ground in some way, would we be nothing but our “true self”, our real self?  What might fall away and what might take over?  What might find its proper place and cease to be problematic for us?

All these thoughts and ideas that live inside our heads, what if we could get outside of them and see that they are only one possibility.  From the outside, could we try on different thoughts or drop some altogether instead of getting stuck in a narrative that keeps us trapped?  If we got outside the universe of our most familiar suffering, what might we know or learn?  Could we unravel the pain right down through the roots?  If we brought all that we put outside, our projections, our fears, our secret shame into a warm and dry place inside us and sat them all by the fire to see them better and put them to bed feeling heard and seen, what kind of beings might wake up and greet the day in our loving care?  What if we get to a place where in and out make no sense anymore, but are somehow melded into an ongoing-opening-blooming-now moment where everything is included and welcomed?  What if everything in and everything out were just like the inhale and exhale, a continuous movement, a natural rhythm, a simultaneous love affair with the trees.  As we inhale, they exhale, making one breath, one breeze, one spirit, one life and simultaneously we return the gift, breathing life for them.

If we became the bigger picture, what kind of contrast might we be for those we companion?   What kind of invitation might we become?  This is something we can explore together.  This is the possibility of healing for the world because ultimately no one can be left behind.  We keep opening joyfully, perhaps sometimes anxiously, into the more till we don’t stop ourselves any longer, and then we invite others to come along.  This is session 4 of Reclaiming Oneness.  We begin this Wednesday September 4th.  Sign up and info at Reclaiming Oneness.