Last Sunday I got to tell a story about listening. The gist of the story was that Love/Truth/God is something that is always available to us if we stop and notice and listen. We experience this in the depth of our hearts, in relationship with others, through the gifts of nature, through stories, song and poetry and through the gathered community when people come together for service or worship. Each way to experience had a section of underlay all it’s own separated partially by popsicle sticks. After introducing each I said the refrain, “We practice listening. We listen with our …
Author: Grow Soul
This week in Spirit Play, we listened to the story of The Buddha and the Mustard Seed. In this story, a mother’s son dies and she appeals to the Buddha for help. He sends her house to house looking for a special ingredient to make a medicine; a mustard seed from a home where no one has known death, sadness or sorrow.
This week we gathered to learn the real story of St. Nicholas. My favorite line in the story is,
“Nicholas was loved for one reason. He loved. He loved God and God’s people so much that he would do anything for them”. Nicholas was known and remembered for his great love. I arrived at class having assumed I was the storyteller and it quickly became clear that another teacher was also prepared to tell the story. Love in this moment was me saying clearly that I would appreciate it if my co-teacher told the story. I wanted to be the …
When it was time to wake up my children, I called to them through the door to their room so I wouldn’t have to open it and disturb the blanket fort they were sleeping under, it’s corner wedged between the door and frame. I started to get dressed and think about breakfast when I heard my children talking and then yelling and then screaming at each other. I called through the door again hoping my voice would disrupt their anger and retorts,
It’s a new year. I have been happily anticipating moving from the storyteller role into the door teacher role. Thankfully another teacher really wanted to tell the story consistently throughout the spring. And so when I showed up to class two weeks ago and again last week to absence, I found myself looking at my own expectations. This is a big part of my journey in Spirit Play and shows up in many different ways. It’s that moment when you show up with one idea and then something totally different happens.
And so I came to class having not prepared …
This Sunday I was on edge. It maybe started even before I began my day. The service left me in tears several times. It was just that kind of day. Janne preached about praying for each other, to be really for each other, not just with each other. It made me wonder about my place in church. I do pray. The formless void silent meditation kind and the kind where I put voice to my intentions. I hold your children in my prayer, for their joys and sorrows and for the inspiration and challenges they bring me. Sometimes you are …
I live the depth of my life in two layered worlds. I have been deeply formed by the Christian message and the life of Jesus. My life has been dedicated to my conscious and active choice to model my living after this great sage. It is also true that I have journeyed to find fellow travelers seeking authentic relationship to the Universe, and that journey has moved me beyond Christianity into the broad world of enlightenment and spiritual awakening.
These worlds, for a time, seemed quite separate. I couldn’t find seekers in my church communities and it was hard to …
The last few weeks in spirit play we have been playing with the idea of family (if you haven’t brought in your family photo yet, there’s still one more week). What makes a family? How are families the same and different than each other. How is church a family of families?
This week’s lesson focused on adoption. We read a story about a boy and his adopted family as they expected to adopt a new baby into the family. The kids were antsy and eager to move and play. I was the door teacher and eager to sit and be …